03.04.2013 0

The U.S. Senate should reject Gina McCarthy’s nomination to head the EPA

EPA LogoThe U.S. Senate should reject Obama nominee, Gina McCarthy, for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

McCarthy has been embroiled in scandal after scandal which can only indicate either pure managerial incompetence or a complicity in the failure to perform her most basic duties.

One example that reportedly has held up McCarthy’s nomination at the White House was the failure of the EPA’s radiation monitoring system in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

McCarthy, who currently heads the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, has come under withering criticism after the EPA’s own Inspector General issued a report revealing that at the time of the Fukushima disaster many of the Agency’s radiation monitors were out of service or so poorly maintained that they failed to work with 20 percent completely out of service. The report goes on to report, “In addition, six of the RadNet monitors we sampled (50 percent) had gone over eight weeks without a filter change.” EPA policy calls on operators to change the filters twice per week.”

Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government, called on the Senate to reject McCarthy as, “unfit to run a Burger King, let alone a Cabinet level agency that threatens our nation’s economy through its series of strange and bizarre regulatory rulings.”

McCarthy has also been on the cutting edge of a budding controversy over her approval of the use of DuPont’s R1234ef air conditioning refrigerant in U.S. vehicles, ignoring a massive European recall by Daimler Benz when the product caught fire in crash testing scenarios.

Wilson expressed outrage over the McCarthy R1234ef decision stating, “This is an example where a German car company has discovered that a product that is being foisted upon them by environmental agency’s is actually dangerous, and environmentally toxic, yet McCarthy has turned a blind eye to the health and safety hazards that she is creating through EPA incentives for car company’s to use this deadly refrigerant.

“At a time when Obama’s own State of the Union threat to continue to pursue unilateral executive actions through the EPA in lieu of climate change legislation, no nominee to the EPA should be confirmed, and it particularly foolish to allow a nominee who has twice put the public safety and environment at risk while in her current position. Gina McCarthy should be fired, not promoted based upon her record in office.”

Also Read:

ALG Nominee Alert, Gina McCarthy, March 2013 at http://getliberty.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Regina-McCarthy-NomineeAlert-2013.pdf

“Obama and his rogue EPA,” By ALG President Bill Wilson, Feb. 14, 2013 at http://dailytorch.com/2013/02/obama-and-his-rogue-epa/

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