05.29.2014 0

Environmentalist radicals drive up Memorial Day food costs

By Rick Manning

A version of this article originally appeared on Breitbart.com.

Food-CostThis year, with drought conditions drying up other sources for water, the federal government has gone so far as to cut the farming allocations to zero. Zero water means that crops don’t get planted in many areas of this major agricultural supplier to the nation and world, and if crops don’t get planted, food is not produced.

Now, the effects of these environmentalist-driven decisions are coming home to roost across America, as Reuters reports that the U.S. Department of Agriculture “has warned of sticker shock facing home chefs on the eve of the Memorial Day holiday weekend, the unofficial start of the U.S. summer grilling season.”

The report puts the finger on disastrous drought conditions in California that threaten to have “large and lasting effects on U.S. fruit, vegetable, dairy and egg prices.”

Of course what the report fails to do is tie the environmentalist water wasting, smelt-saving penchant to the denial of crop-saving water to farmers.

This is the real cost of environmentalism gone wild, where destroying the food growers of California is just collateral damage on the altar of saving the planet.

Get full story here.

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