Citizen, legal resident and illegal alien populations will still be determined under 2020 Census via Trump executive order:
President Donald Trump via an executive order is mandating federal departments and agencies to provide records to the Department of Commerce and the U.S. Census Bureau to compile an accurate counting of citizen, legal resident and illegal alien populations for the 2020 Census — but without a citizenship question on the Census form households fill out. Instead, the Trump executive order requires “All agencies shall promptly provide the Department [of Commerce] the maximum assistance permissible, consistent with law, in determining the number of citizens, non citizens, and illegal aliens in the country, including by providing any access that the Department may request to administrative records that may be useful in accomplishing that objective.” If the same data can be gleaned from other means than the questionnaire, then why not? President Trump is doing everything he can to ensure that the data is collected. It’s better than nothing. What do you think?