07.13.2020 0

Only 31% of Biden supporters say they are enthusiastic about voting for him vs. 68% for Trump

Biden’s enthusiasm gap versus Trump may prove to be Democrats’ undoing in 2020: http://dailytorch.com/2020/07/bidens-enthusiasm-gap-versus-trump-may-prove-to-be-democrats-undoing-in-2020/

President Donald Trump has two major advantages politically in 2020 presidential election over former Vice President Joe Biden: incumbency and enthusiasm. Since 1948, in 73 percent of the cases where the incumbent president had served one term, he was reelected. However, that number rises to 88 percent if one considers only cases of incumbent parties in their first term in the White House for reelection. On enthusiasm, in a June poll by Economist/YouGov, 68 percent of Trump supporters say they are enthusiastic about voting for him versus only 31 percent of Biden supporters who say they are enthusiastic. 49 percent of Biden voters say they merely satisfied but not enthusiastic, 15 percent say dissatisfied but not upset and 3 percent say they are upset. Whereas, with Trump, just 26 say they are satisfied but not enthusiastic, 5 percent say dissatisfied but not upset and 2 percent say they are upset. In the same poll, among Biden supporters, only 35 percent say they are voting for Biden, whereas 62 percent say they are voting against Trump. For Trump supporters, 81 percent say they are voting for Trump, and just 18 percent say they are voting against Biden. On those counts, so far, this election is Trump’s to lose. What do you think?


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