09.21.2020 0

Obama didn’t wait to replace Scalia in an election year, why would Trump wait to replace Ginsburg?

Obama didn’t wait to fill the Scalia seat in 2016, and neither should Trump wait to replace Ginsburg:

The stage is already set for President Donald Trump to nominate the replacement for the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the Supreme Court, even though it is an election year. Former President Barack Obama set that precedent in 2016. In Feb. 2016, when Antonin Scalia passed away, Obama nominated Merrick Garland a few weeks later in March to replace him, stating, “I have fulfilled my constitutional duty. Now it’s time for the Senate to do theirs. Presidents do not stop working in the final year of their term.” Obama went on a lot about how his nominee deserved a vote. Garland never got one as Senate Republicans exercised their own constitutional prerogative to reject him. When you are in power, you take the chance that you have to reshape the country. Make no mistake, if Democrats had maintained a Senate majority in 2014, they would have easily confirmed Garland in 2016. But, they lost nine seats — and elections have consequences. Just like in 2016, voters of each party toady will expect their leaders to press their advantage. Dynasties are not built by generosity to one’s adversaries. Democrats will beg for mercy, but President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell know that in 2016, Obama did not think twice about attempting to flip the nation’s high court even without a Senate majority. That was the only precedent that matters. What do you think?


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