09.16.2021 0

End the Backroom Deals! Rep. Gosar Drops Bill Calling for Pelosi to Wear a BodyCam

“The lack of transparency in Congress is driving public trust in government to near-historic lows. The best way to restore that trust is through total transparency and sharing with the American people what really happens in Washington, DC.” – Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ)

By Catherine Mortensen

This week we are reminded why Americans for Limited Government loves Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

Gosar introduced what may be the most genius piece of legislation since the Bill of Rights. Gosar is asking for a pilot program to require the leadership of the House of Representatives to wear body cameras and share the recorded footage with the public.

Rep. Gosar tweeted out this week that he introduced the resolution after a social media poll found almost unanimous support for the idea.


Gosar said in a press release:

“Today, body-worn cameras already provide valuable evidence defending police officers from otherwise false and frivolous accusations.  Occasionally, the police worn body cameras show a law enforcement error.  There is further movement to put cameras in school classrooms.  Too often what is really happening in our schools is hidden from parents.

This trend to bring transparency and honesty should also apply to Congress.  For example, in January of 2021, several members of congress made false and defamatory allegations that other members of congress gave “reconnaissance tours” on January 5.  Footage from body cameras would be able to rebut such defamation immediately.

In another instance, a member of congress described a harrowing tale of hiding and being chased, without any witness or documentation of any type in support.  A body camera would demonstrate the confabulation of such a story.

The lack of transparency in Congress is driving public trust in government to near-historic lows. The best way to restore that trust is through total transparency and sharing with the American people what really happens in Washington, DC.  Less secrecy from our leaders is a good place to start.

That’s why today I introduced a resolution to create a pilot program that would require the leadership of the House of Representatives to utilize body-worn cameras and ensure that the cameras are activated while carrying out official business.  Footage from the cameras would be shared with the public.

If the American people were shown more information about what happens in Congress, public trust in our government might improve.”

This idea is genius because it is so simple. It would give the American people a clear and honest picture of everything our lawmakers do. We know that politicians like to operate in darkness and make backroom deals. By shining a light on the House Leadership team we will know what they are up to in real time.

An extra benefit of the PelosiCam is the American people will be able to reconstruct America from the wreckage Pelosi is creating based on the visual record that will be provided.

You can read the full legislative text by clicking here.

Catherine Mortensen is Vice President of Communications for Americans for Limited Government.

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