07.31.2009 0

ALG in the News: Euthanasia Scare Shows a Tough Sell on Health Care

  • On: 08/11/2009 09:18:07
  • In: Health Care
  • ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured commentary, Bloomberg quotes Americans for Limited Government’s President Bill Wilson on the protests against Perriello.

    Euthanasia Scare Shows a Tough Sell on Health Care (Update2)

    By Heidi Przybyla

    Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) — Representative Tom Perriello said he was approached by two senior citizens who were trembling with fear. The source of their terror, he said, was their belief that President Barack Obama supports euthanasia for the elderly.

    The Virginia Democrat said the two constituents were clutching a leaflet from a religious group that purported to be a copy of Obama’s health-care plan. It claimed the overhaul “would pull the plug and decide a 24-year-old’s life was important and that an 85-year-old’s wasn’t,” Perriello said.

    Lawmakers across the U.S. are confronting such false claims as they return to their districts for the August recess. The assertion about euthanasia stems from a proposal to allow Medicare to reimburse patients for voluntary consultations with a doctor on end-of-life treatment or the preparation of living wills.
    Bill Wilson, the president of Americans for Limited Government, a Fairfax, Virginia-based group, issued a call Aug. 3 for protests against Perriello “in opposition to Barack Obama’s insidious efforts to take over the health system.”

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