07.01.2008 0

This Is Worker Jeopardy!

  • On: 07/20/2008 13:32:22
  • In: Big Labor

  • In South Carolina, a worker’s right to work without joining a union could be on a very slippery slope. And like the popular game show, Jeopardy, if South Carolina gets this question wrong, it could cost the taxpayer a small fortune.

    House Bill 4889 was brought to ALG News’ attention by South Carolinians for Responsible Government’s April 1st press release:

    “South Carolinians for Responsible Government is educating its grassroots membership about House Bill 4889, introduced by Representative Bob Walker of Spartanburg. The bill would radically erode the State’s right-to-work laws by allowing certain public sector unions to deduct fees directly from government paychecks…

    “The bill specifically mentions the South Carolina Education Association (SCEA) a subdivision of the controversial National Education Association (NEA). It would require the South Carolina Comptroller General to withhold SCEA membership dues from teachers’ paychecks. House Bill 4889 would further allow the SCEA to channel these dues directly to the NEA for use in national political campaigns and labor strikes.”

    Bob Walker, the bill’s sponsor, was elected by the conservative voters of Spartanburg to represent conservative values. Instead he is forwarding the interests of the educrats of the NEA and the SCEA.

    The voters of South Carolina need to make their voices heard before this bill gets to Final Jeopardy – the House floor for a vote.

    ALG CTA:
    This bill will undermine the right-to-work climate which has bolstered South Carolina’s economy for years. Do not let the SCEA be able to deduct dues from teachers’ paychecks. We call on journalists across the nation to encourage their readers to contact Representative Walker at (864)457-4669 and to email him at rew@schouse.org to express their displeasure.

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