05.16.2013 1

Obama Administration Working on Imposing Costly Regulations on Hydraulic Fracturing in North Dakota

The process of hydraulic fracturing has turned the state of North Dakota into the third largest oil producing state in the nation with the expectation that it will grow to surpass the state of Alaska shortly.  It has caused once oil rich areas in west Texas that were nearly played out to jump back to life, creating jobs and urgency in an area that was winding down with the industry.

Now, the Obama Interior Department seeks to impose duplicative and costly new regulations on using hydraulic fracturing on public lands.  Land which hold billions of barrels of oil and an abundance of natural gas that can only be reached using this more than 50 year old technique.

Only the Obama Administration would think it is a good idea to disrupt through draconian regulaions the expansion of a process that is singlehandedly changing our nation’s energy future.  This is just another example of Obama’s backward focused energy policy that is more intent on forcing our nation into dependence on 13th century technologies like windmills and burning bio-mass while rejecting the new energy future that promises to lead to a new American century.

Below is the response to these regulations by House Resouces Committee Chairman Doc Hastings.

Chairman Hastings: Obama Admin’s Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Rule Imposes New Layers of Red-Tape, Duplicates States’ Efforts

Would Hinder American Energy Production, Job Creation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the proposed regulations of hydraulic fracturing on federal lands announced today by the Department of the Interior:

“The Obama Administration is once again choosing costly red tape at the expense of American jobs and American energy production.  It is charging forward with new regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal and tribal lands that are burdensome, restrictive, unnecessary, and directly duplicate what states have been doing efficiently and effectively for over sixty years.  States are able to carefully craft regulations to meet the specific needs of their states.  Yet the Department seems committed to imposing a new ‘one-size-fits-all’ set of rules for hydraulic fracturing.  This is nothing more than another roadblock by the Obama Administration in the way of job creation, lower energy prices, and American energy security.  At a time when the Interior Department is currently canceling lease sales because they say they do not have the necessary funds, they should not be wasting federal dollars and resources implementing duplicative and unnecessary regulations.

“Furthermore, it is unacceptable that the Administration is only offering a mere 30-day public comment period on this proposed regulation that will have significant job, economic, and energy production impacts throughout the country.  The public comment period should be no less than 120 days.”


For over two years, the Natural Resources Committee has conducted aggressive oversight of the Obama Administration’s pursuit of duplicative and potentially costly regulations of hydraulic fracturing on federal lands.  The Committee has held numerous hearings to learn from stakeholders about the job and economic impacts of federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing – most recently an oversight hearing on May 8, 2013 – and will conduct additional oversight of this proposed rule in June.


Willie Deutsch is Editor-in-Chief for NetRightDaily.com, and Social Media Director for Americans for Limited Government. You can follow him on twitter @williedeutsch.

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