03.24.2014 0

Philadelphia District Attorney – Integrity in Government

RNC ChairmanBy Rick Manning

This is what integrity in government looks like.  Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams had enough of the normal Pennsylvania political games where the Democratic Party Attorney General refused to prosecute fellow Democrats caught in a payola scheme, so he publicly called her to task in an OpEd published in the Philadelphia Inquirer.  This is not the first time that Williams has stepped on Party toes.  In the recent confirmation battle surrounding Debo Adegbile, President Obama’s choice to head the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, Williams stood against the nomination alongside police officers, the FOP and the widow of a slain officer who became the center of a race tinged defense led by the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund.  A Fund headed at the time by Adegbile.  It was likely Williams’ public opposition to Adegbile’s confirmation that tipped the scales causing home state Senator Robert Casey, Jr. into the opposition camp with six other Democrat Senators following him.

Now, Williams is taking on the Commonwealth’s Attorney General for failing to prosecute blatant political corruption, even though she was one of the Democratic party’s rising stars — now she’s hiring attorneys.

This type of courage should not be unusual, but all too frequently it is.  Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams should be applauded by freedom lovers everywhere for his courageous stand for the rule of law.  Because without the expectation that the law will be applied evenly and equitably, our nation’s legal system cannot stand.

Rick Manning (@rmanning957) is the vice president of public policy and communications for Americans for Limited Government.

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