08.03.2021 0

ALG on Lars Larson Radio Show: So-called Infrastructure bill is foolish, we can’t afford it!

“It’s terrible that Republicans are going along with this. It’s foolish. We can’t afford it. It is time to say no to new spending.”

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning is a guest each Thursday at 7:45 pm ET on the Lars Larson Radio show. This week they talked about the the so-called infrastructure spending bill in the Senate.

“It’s terrible that Republicans are going along with this,” Manning said. “It’s foolish. We can’t afford it. It is time to say no to new spending.” Manning explained that everything the Democrats didn’t get in the first spending bill, they will move into their second bill, the reconciliation bill. The difference between these two spending bills is this in the first one required 60 votes, so Democrats had to negotiate with moderate Republicans to get those extra 10 votes. Under the reconciliation bill, the Democrats need only 51 votes, and they can get that with Vice President Kamal Harris. But, under reconciliation, they have to be budget neutral. That means all new spending must be offset with tax hikes or spending cuts.”

Manning said Republicans are acting like it is the 1990s and there is a sense of bi-partisanship in Congress. “That is a byone era,” Manning said. Today’s Democrats want total control.”

To listen to full interview:


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