09.24.2021 0

Manning on Mike Hayes Radio Show: Expect an Uptick in Unemployment due to Vaccine Mandate

“We will see an uptick in unemployment as people are forced out of their jobs for refusing to get vaccinated. This will only further add to a turbulent labor market.”

Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is a regular guest on the Mike Hayes Radio Show on WIZM radio in LaCrosse, WI. This week they talked about the legal challenges to President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates and how  the labor market could be impacted.

Mike Hayes: There are so many things wrong with the president’s mandates. The most obvious one is that we are allowing illegal aliens to enter our country without any Covid testing or vaccines. Yet, law-abiding Americans citizens are forced to be vaccinated, in many cases against their will. What can we do about this?

Richard Manning: At the federal level, this is really a legal case and dozens of challenges have already been filed. But, I think where we can have a real impact is at the state and local level. I would urge everyone to contact their state and local lawmakers and tell them to reject any more Covid lockdowns or vaccine mandates or passports. On our website, GETLIBERTY.ORG, you can easily click on our Take Action button and do that.

Mike Hayes: We are starting to see people lose their jobs for refusing to get vaccinated. We already have a labor shortage in the country. This seems like a disaster.

Richard Manning:  We will see an uptick in unemployment as people are forced out of their jobs for refusing to get vaccinated. This will only further add to a turbulent labor market. This mandate only applies to companies with 100 or more employees. So, what you might see is small companies benefiting from this. People who are forced to leave a large company many seek employment in those smaller companies.

Mike Hayes: What about Biden rationing Covid treatments to Red states? What is that all about?

Richard Manning: Sen. Marco Rubio brought that to our attention. He found that the Biden administration cut in half his state’s order of the monoclonal antibodies that have proven successful in treating Covid patients. White House press secretary Jen Psaki says more are being given to states with higher vaccination rates in order to be equitable. Really, what is going on here is government health care rationing. This is socialized medicine: a direct attack on our abilityto get healthcare. We don’t tell someone who has had a heart attack that they cannot get treatment until they lose weight . That’s essentially what the Biden administration is doing. It’s wrong.

To listen to full interview click below.

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