10.01.2021 0

Manning on Michael Yaffee Radio: Exposing Democrat Lies about the Debt Ceiling

Americans are waking up to the economic crisis that Democrats are creating!

Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning joins host Michael Yaffee of WVNN radio in Huntsville, AL every Friday morning at 11 am ET to talk news of the day. This week they talked about raising the debt ceiling in Congress.

“The first thing you need to know about this is that the Democrats are lying,” Manning said. “They keep saying that raising the debt ceiling is about ensuring the country pays its debts on past spending sprees, which both parties voted for. That is false. They want to raise it so they can continue spending in the future.”

Rick acknowledged that both parties have overspent in the past, but says it is time for Democrats to be honest about what the debt ceiling really is.

Yaffee wondered why Americans aren’t protesting about the out-of-control spending in Washington. Is it because it is just too abstract to really understand?

Rick said it’s because “the dog fight is out on the street right now, or many on their front porch, but it isn’t in their lap. When it is in their lap, they will start caring.”

But with inflation hitting people as they put gas in their cars and buy groceries, Rick said the fight is getting more real for many Americans.

To listen to the full interview click on the link below:

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