08.09.2023 0

Anti-War Sentiment is Rising on the Right, Driven by Young People and Minorities

By Bill Wilson

The public is growing weary of the globalist cabal continuing to ensnare us financially and otherwise in overseas conflicts that do not benefit Americans and instead create decades of costly chaos.

Our involvement in the Russia-Ukraine dispute has been largely without gain, and the public is turning on those who seek to keep us tethered there. Since the conflict began, Congress and the Biden Administration have directed $75 billion dollars in military and economic funds to Ukraine, and yet there are no signs of peace and many thousands of casualties on both sides.

Conservatives have had enough and are now openly opposing U.S. involvement in Ukraine at an accelerating rate, with the latest surveys showing over half of Republicans oppose continuing to fund Ukraine’s military operations.  

Young people, minorities, and those without a college degree are the most vocal critics of our continued involvement in Ukraine and are demanding a new direction in the 2024 presidential election.

Just two months ago, polling from Pew Research Center showed less than half (44%) of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said the U.S. was providing too much aid to Ukraine, up from 40% in January.  

However, the latest New York Times/ Siena College poll shows that number has risen to over half of Republican voters. According to the survey, GOP voters now oppose continuing to provide Ukraine with economic and military assistance by an eight-point margin, 52% to 44%. This number is up eight points in the past two months when comparing to the Pew poll, and up a full twelve percentage points since the beginning of the year.

Tides are turning with regard to public opinion on continuing to ensnare ourselves in the border disputes of eastern Europe, and it is largely conservatives taking a stand against foreign meddling. 

Nevertheless, significant disparities exist within the GOP. Younger voters, those without a college education, and minorities oppose continued intervention at the highest rates, while older voters and college-educated Whites favor intervention.

GOP voters under 30 oppose continuing to fund Ukraine’s military operations by 37 percentage points, 65% to 28%. Millennials between age 30-44 oppose continued intervention by 19 percentage points, 58% to 39%, and Gen X voters between age 45-64 oppose intervention by 17 percentage points, 57% to 40%.

However, Republicans over age 65 still support continuing to fund Ukraine’s military operations by an 11-percenatge point margin, 53% to 42%.   

Opposition to continued intervention in the Russia-Ukraine conflict is also extremely high among minority members of the GOP, particularly Hispanics. Hispanics oppose continuing to intervene in the Ukraine conflict by 42 percentage points, 70% to 28%.  Whites narrowly oppose continuing to intervene by 4 percentage points, 46% to 50%, and Blacks oppose intervention by 24 percentage points, 52% to 28%.  

There is also a strong division regarding continued intervention in Ukraine by education. Non-college educated voters oppose intervention by 18 percentage points, 57% to 39%, while college-educated voters favor intervention by 9 percentage points, 53% to 44%.  

Notably, it is non-college educated minorities who oppose continued intervention at the highest rates, while college-educated Whites support intervention at the highest rates.

Minorities without a college degree opposite intervention by 40 percentage points, 67% to 27%, while Whites with a degree support intervention by 15 points, 56% to 41%. Both college-educated minorities and non-college educated Whites have similar views, opposing intervention by 12 points and 15 points respectively.

This comes on top of polling from CNN/SSRS earlier this spring showing one of the primary concerns for GOP primary voters is avoiding involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with a significant 80% expressing the importance of the GOP nominee opposing any U.S. entanglement in the dispute.

Women, in particular, are staunchly opposed to U.S. involvement in Ukraine, with 87% of Republican women compared to 75% of men emphasizing the significance of the GOP nominee opposing foreign entanglements. Moreover, younger individuals hold higher rates of opposition to foreign involvement, with 42% of those under fifty considering staying out of the Russia-Ukraine dispute “essential” compared to 31% of those over 50.

Public opinion is shifting, and conservatives are now staunchly anti-war, although there are still strong divisions within the GOP. Young and minority Republicans as well as those who dodged the college-industrial complex are the strongest proponents of non-interventionism, and their views do not appear to be dampening.  

A growing share of the public, particularly those on the right, are turning against globalist ideology that seeks to keep America focused on everything except its own people.  Opposition to foreign meddling will absolutely play a crucial role in the next presidential election, and all signs indicate GOP are heavily favoring an antiwar candidate.   

Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.

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