05.24.2010 0

The Daily Wrap-Up: May 24

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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:

Good Monday Afternoon –

Americans for Limited Government called on 9 Republican House members to withdraw their support of a bill that would bailout Union pension funds. “Among the union pension funds in critical danger are those run by the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) and more than a hundred other union-run funds.”

Inaction in Louisiana prompts Gov. Jindal to take care of matters that the Obama Administration have fallen behind on according to Michelle Malkin. “This is leadership on the front lines, not just on the sidelines. Louisiana GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal has been working non-stop over the past month to protect his state from the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill — and from the bureaucratic delays in the Obama administration.”

Dem Leader Steny Hoyer says that the budget is too difficult to pass in an election year. Rick Manning has the story.

Obama approval rating at 44% according to Rasmussen Reports. “Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. Fifty-four percent (55%) disapprove. The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage of the President has been 51% positive over the past week.”

NRD’s Kevin Mooney looks in to the NYT’s coverage of Rand Paul over the past week. “Allegations of racism that have been directed against average Americans opposed to unconstitutional federal power grabs have been wearing thin for some time. Nevertheless, The New York Times remains convinced race can be used as a foil against the leading proponents of small government initiatives.”

Michael Steele goes after Rand Paul. Hot Air has the story.

Bill Wilson of Americans for Limited Government penned a piece on the Union Pension Bailout Binge that is sweeping Washington, D.C.: “A pension bailout for Big Labor is in the works for underfunded multi-employer pension funds. New legislation sponsored by Senator Bob Casey, S. 3157, would give taxpayer backing via the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). If the union bosses get their way on this bill, there may be no stopping the tsunami of pension bailouts for both public and private employees that will follow.”

Support for repealing ObamaCare is at 63%!

Stephen Moore of the WSJ weighs in on the PAYGO con. “Pay-as-you-go, or paygo, rules require that new entitlement spending and new tax cuts must be paid for dollar-for-dollar with entitlement spending cuts or tax increases. As Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican member of the House Budget Committee has noted, the Democrats under Speaker Nancy Pelosi “have violated pay-as-you-go rules by nearly $1 trillion” over the past three years”

D.C. FOP responds to the Washington Examiner story on DC police aiding Union thugs.

Do you have something that should be included in the Daily Wrap-Up? Please send it to Adam@netrightnation.com.

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