By Robert Romano The supply of U.S. dollars as measured by the Federal Reserve’s M2 Money Stock has grown by more than $4.6 trillion since Feb. 2020 when the Covid pandemic began to $20.1 trillion — a gargantuan 29.6 percent increase in the money supply, the largest ever on record. The surge […]
We cannot let Democrats try to turn this sorry state of affairs into the new normal. By Catherine Mortensen The country’s latest unemployment and Covid death numbers make clear that Democrat governor’s heavy-handed lockdowns of schools and businesses killed more people and more jobs than did the […]
ALG President Rick Manning appears as a regular guest every week on the nationally syndicated Bill Martinez radio show in over 300 markets nationally on Wednesday’s at 9:am ET. This week, Rick talked about the very real threat of doubl-digit inflation as President Biden continues to spend […]
In 2021, after a year of spending and borrowing trillions and now the dollar is rapidly getting weaker, and too much spending could be curtailing job seeking. By Robert Romano 2020 and 2021 are two sides of the same coin: Price instability brought about by the dollar […]
Today’s headlines are ripped straight out of the newspapers of 1973. Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning is featured weekly in Townhall Media. To view column on Townhall media click here . By Rick Manning While President Joe Biden may look fondly back on the year 1973, the year he began serving in the United States […]
Red state governors are increasingly rejecting pandemic federal unemployment benefits in an effort to get people back to work and off the government dole. By Catherine Mortensen The governors of Montana, South Carolina, and Arkansas have rejected the increased pandemic unemployment saying it is creating perverse incentives […]
By Rick Manning Is the economy booming or is it riding a wave of paper money with no real underlying sustainability? That is the question which policy makers in Washington, DC should be considering. The truth is no one actually knows, but that is exactly why […]