
Is this the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

By Natalia Castro Cities have banded together in recent weeks to launch a campaign against straws. The charge? Straws are sucking the life out of the environment. Lawmakers have started a campaign, the likes of which have not been seen since the war on drugs, […]


Why are people still pushing a carbon tax?

By Natalia Castro Politicians are feeling the pressure to distance themselves from burdensome environmental policies that show little benefit while draining the economy. As political figures both in the United Stated and Canada, push against a carbon tax, one Florida representative has decided to move […]


Secretary Zinke unveils plan to reorganize the Department of Interior

  By Printus LeBlanc When Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke was sworn in, he came into a department that has not reorganized in 150 years. However, in the same timeframe new agencies were created, miles of red tape were introduced, and volumes of rules were […]


Trump to Germany: Don’t Give Russia More Weapons

By Sheryl Kaufman The press and former CIA Director John Brennan are expressing hysterics over a press conference where President Trump disappointed them by not showering outright insults on the Russian President. The reporters moved past what may be the most significant development of Mr. […]


Pruitt might be gone, but the work of reining in the out of control EPA must continue

By Natalia Castro From his nomination to his resignation, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt was under constant attack by the left. Whether you believe the countless accusation the left threw at the Administrator or not, one thing is clear: just because Pruitt is […]


Who is behind the scheme to keep the unsustainable RFS in place?

By Printus LeBlanc The ethanol lobby and corn farmers are teaming up to keep the government mandated gravy train flowing into their bank accounts. After a deal was reached between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), several Senators, and oil refiners regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard […]


Rep. Gosar introduces amendment to hold out of control federal employee responsible. Will the rest of Congress back him up?

  By Printus LeBlanc The Holman Rule allows the House of Representatives to offer amendments to appropriations legislation that reduces the salary of a specific federal employee. The rule was created in 1876 but rescinded in 1983. The 115th Congress reinstated the rule hoping to […]


Cartoon: Bill Nye Not A Science Guy

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution image.


Federal civil service abuses bigger than just the VA

By Natalia Castro When news broke of employees at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) putting the lives of veterans at risk with waiting lists to die, the country was outraged. When it became clear that these employees were not being terminated for their failures […]


National Association of Scholars calls for the end of ‘secret science’ in government regulations

C/O Liberty Alliance By Printus LeBlanc Every day, the federal government puts out new regulations, updates old ones, or eliminates them all together. This is done in the Federal Register and is published every morning. What most people don’t know is a great amount of the rules and regulations published […]

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