
Oil’s down, gasoline isn’t. What’s up?

By Marita Noon A little more than a year ago, oil prices were above $100 a barrel. The national average for gasoline was in the $3.50 range. In late spring, oil was $60ish, and the national average for gas was around $2.70. The price of […]


The Agency that contaminated the Animas River is about to start regulating water that may be in your backyard

By Marita Noon Unless a federal judge issues a preliminary injunction, the definition of the “Waters of the U.S.” will change on August 28 — giving the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to regulate the water in your backyard (even the water that might be […]


Polar ice caps stable since 1979

By Rick Manning 1979 is a very important year in global warming science. It was also the last year the Washington NBA franchise went to the finals, and Pittsburgh ruled the sports world with the We Are Family Pirates winning the World Series and the Steelers defeating […]


Cartoon: Here to help

By A.F. Branco Click here for a higher resolution version.


Cartoon: Hardest hit


Solar companies win, taxpayers lose in Obama’s Clean Power Plan

By Marita Noon The solar industry is jubilant over President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, released in its final form on Monday, August 3. The same day, however, some other news reminded the public of what happens when government policy mandates and incentivizes a favored energy […]


EPA relies on secret comments in No Power Plan rulemaking

By Nathan Mehrens After the release of the Obama Administration’s much-publicized “Clean Power Plan” regulations, reports have indicated that the regulatory process that went into developing this “Plan” may not have been as transparent as touted. Environmental extremist groups were apparently regularly communicating and coordinating with officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency developing the “Plan,” regarding the regulations that comprise the “Plan.” These […]


Obama: Iranian oil, good. Canadian oil, bad. American oil, bad.

By Marita Noon President Obama’s confusing approach to energy encourages our enemies who shout “death to America,” while penalizing our closest allies and even our own job creators. Iran’s participation in the nuclear negotiations that have slogged on for months, have now, ultimately, netted a […]


Climate change is about power, not environment

By Rick Manning Global warming alarmists must be shaking their heads in disbelief. Just when they felt they had the stars aligned to push their anti-free enterprise/capitalism agenda on the international stage and claim the power they crave, the climate and scientists have begun to turn against […]


Mexico’s energy reform is rolling, albeit with training wheels

By Marita Noon Understanding the connection between energy and economic growth, Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto set out to reform his country’s energy policy and invite outside intelligence and investment to boost slumping oil output. In late 2013, he succeeded in getting the constitution amended to allow private and foreign companies […]

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