
Oil and gas exports: one policy change, many benefits

By Marita Noon “Businesses that sell to foreign markets put more people to work in high-quality jobs, offering more Americans the chance to earn a decent wage,” claimed the Obama administration’s Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker in a March 18 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) opinion piece. […]


Access to Mid-Atlantic energy resources advances long-term energy security

By Marita Noon At the end of January, the Obama administration announced the next step in a long process that could result in the exploration and ultimate extraction of oil-and-gas resources of the U.S. mid-Atlantic — something the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Governors Coalition supports. […]


Solar power propaganda vs. the real world

By Marita Noon When a former “senior communications official at the White House” writes a blog post for U.S. News and World Report, you should be able to trust it. But when the author states that the Keystone pipeline (should it be approved) would create […]


What’s up with the prices at the pump?

By Marita Noon First, Saudi Arabia drove down the price of oil by increasing its production, which gave Americans a welcome drop in prices at the pump. Could the kingdom now be pushing them back up? Prices at the pump have gone up nearly 40 cents […]


Name your enemy

By Marita Noon “If you don’t call it something, you can’t connect the dots,” said Rudy Giuliani talking about Islamic State. “If you can’t connect the dots, you can’t really combat it … you can’t have the battle of ideas … If you are going to […]


Clean Water Act regulatory whack-a-mole hurts farmers

By Robert Romano The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers are at it again, seeking to regulate every puddle, creek, and ditch in America as “navigable waters” under the terms of the Clean Water Act — even though you probably couldn’t navigate a […]


What’s next for the Keystone pipeline?

By Marita Noon After six years of dithering, the Keystone pipeline project has finally cleared both the Senate and the House with strong bipartisan support—mere percentage points away from a veto-proof majority. Now it goes to the White House where President Obama has vowed to […]


OPEC prediction of $200 a-barrel-oil ignores market realities, or maybe not

By Marita Noon OPEC’s Secretary General Abdulla al-Badri made headlines when he announced that the oil price may have bottomed out — indeed, we had four straight days of increase — and predicted “you will see more than $200 when it comes to future oil […]


The science is settled, eggs are good for you

By Rick Manning The science-is-settled crowd got a little more uncomfortable as the settled science of cholesterol being bad for us is being dismantled by the U.S. government’s top nutrition advisory panel. That’s right. After more than fifty years of government and public health harpies hectoring against […]


Murkowski stuns with EPA surrender, McConnell to the rescue?

By Rick Manning Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) just made the strongest case for House Republicans to pass an EPA funding bill that rips the regulatory heart out of the rogue Agency. Alaska’s Murkowski who has just seen the Obama Administration unilaterally attack her state’s economic viability through […]

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