By Rick Manning Some random philosophy professor from the Rochester Institute of Technology named Lawrence Torcello has decided that if you don’t agree with him on climate change, then you should be criminally prosecuted. Here is his actual quote in the UK journal, “The Conversation”, “We have good reason […]
By Marita Noon On Thursday, February 27, I received an email that said: “I’m a producer at the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. We’re working on a segment about fracking & I wanted to reach out to see if you’d be interested in participating. I read your column […]
1970’s: The Coming Ice Age This photo could almost be a parody of modern global warming alarmism if it wasn’t from 1973. Scientists then virtually deemed the coming “Ice Age” as a scientific inevitability and queried how humans are causing what they saw then as […]
By Robert Romano No warming. That is what can be deduced from data compiled by NASA as it relates to temperature over the past decade. The average temperature in 2003 was 14.61 degrees Celsius. And the average temperature in 2013 was 14.61 degrees Celsius, at a growth rate of 0 percent. […]
By Robert Romano Here’s a bright idea. When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues a new regulation requiring retrofitting or that some new technology be used by energy providers, perhaps they should double-check to see if the technology actually exists yet. That is the subject of an […]
By Robert Romano Are environmental advocacy charities, which are eligible to receive tax-deductible donations, violating their tax-exempt status in opposing extraction in the Canadian oil sands, construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, and other pet projects of the radical left? That is the subject of a series […]
By Marita Noon Like many conflicts before it, the current battle brewing between Russia and Ukraine has a strong energy component. Russia has a history of using its energy supplies as a control mechanism—such as the 2006 and 2009 gas wars when it cut natural […]
TAKE ACTION: Click here to urge your Congressmen to defund the EPA. By Robert Romano “There is the possibility of some brownouts.” That was U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith’s (R-Va.) take on the impact of recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations against coal burning power plants in a brief conversation with Americans for Limited Government on February 27. Rep. Griffith […]
By Ron Arnold American taxpayers foot the bill for the Environmental Protection Agency’s costly regulations, and they have a right to see the underlying science. EPA bureaucrats routinely hide this public information, insolently foreshadowing President Obama’s recently outed code of ethics, “I can do anything […]
A version of this article was originally published in By Bill Wilson The global economy is an increasingly high-stakes battlefield, and governments large and small must determine daily when and how to enter that fray. Do they engage on the side of free markets and expanded individual liberties — promoting greater prosperity and freedom for all […]