06.25.2024 0

Michael Patrick Leahy did his job in publishing Nashville transgender shooter’s manifesto

By Rick Manning

Michael Patrick Leahy is a journalist who did his job. He published the manifesto of the Nashville, Tennessee transgender person who shot up a Christian school last year.

It is likely that you barely remember this deranged shooter or even the act itself. After all, the local Nashville government in collusion with national media sources have done everything conceivable to try to wish the event away, including hiding the writings of the lunatic who murdered three children and three adults.

Now, Michael Patrick Leahy is being subjected to the threat of jail-time for refusing to reveal his sources who gave him 80 pages of the murderous transgender person’s inner-most rants and delusions leading up to the rampage.

Michael Patrick Leahy is clearly a journalist having founded the Star News Digital Media in an attempt to restore honest media focused on what is happening in state and local governments around the country.  The family of state focused conservative news sites Leahy publishes include The Tennessee StarThe Ohio StarThe Michigan Star, The Minnesota Sun, The Virginia StarThe Georgia Star NewsThe Arizona Sun TimesThe Florida Capital StarThe Wisconsin Daily StarThe Pennsylvania Daily StarThe Connecticut Star, and The Star News Network

Yet, rather than subjecting the Nashville Police Department with immediate orders to provide the full scope of the shooters writings as they no longer meet any semblance of the Tennessee law which rightfully allows for information pertaining to an on-going investigation to be withheld from the public. However, in this case, the murderer is dead. Unless the state is going to prosecute the murderer from the grave, there is no compelling legal reason for the manifestos to remain hidden.

Leahy is an honest journalist fighting back against the predominantly left-wing oriented news sites which have forgotten their roles as adversaries of the state and instead are interested only in promoting left-wing causes.

And covering up information which likely does damage to the latest liberal bete noir seems to be the only reason to bury the trans-sexual mass murderer’s journals and manifestos. 

Clearly out of frustration someone who had legal control over the documents provided them to the media (Mr. Leahy) and some of them were published.

In world that demands for people to bend over backwards to ‘understand’ and ‘be tolerant’ of those who would self-mutilate in a quest for psychological quiet, these manifestos certainly need to be read and understood.

Michael Patrick Leahy did his duty as a journalist and a human being by publishing this insight into the insanity of a mass murderer. Unfortunately, as has occurred too often in the past couple of years, the judicial system is now deciding whether to jail him for standing up against this government cover up.

The question is will they get away with the cover up, and what the heck happened to Nashville?

Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government.

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