07.31.2009 0

Appointment Watch 08.25.09

  • On: 08/25/2009 09:28:44
  • In: Appointments

  • Appointment Watch: Carrion and Jones

    The mainstream media continue to ignore President Obama’s appointment of bizarre personnel to run the government. Personnel is policy. That being the case the American people need to know about these appointments. This week we look another couple of Obama appointees. These are not isolated incidents or an occasional bad apple. These folks are representative of the appointments he is making with little or no push back from the Senate during the confirmation process.

    Adolfo Carrion, White House, Director of Urban Affairs

    • Carrion is under investigation because of work done on his house by a contractor that needed his assistance in a zoning issue. The contractor received the zoning change it needed and Carrion paid less than half the cost of the estimate for the work on his house.
    • Even the left-leaning Committee for Responsibility and Ethics blasted Carrion saying, “If the era of pay-to-play politics is over, Adolfo Carrion didn’t get the message.”
    • Carrion spent more than $50,000 of his contributor’s money on a party for himself after he was named to his current position.
    • Carrion’s appointment was announced on February 19, 2009. His position does not require Senate confirmation.

    Van Jones, White House, Special Advisor, Council on Environmental Quality

    • Jones is another appointee who sees racial issues in everything.
    • Jones blames Bush for causing Hurricane Katrina (the hurricane itself) due to his energy policies.
    • Jones’ writings contain so much vitriol that it is evident he doesn’t deserve any appointed position, especially on in the White House.
    • Jones was appointed to his position on March 10, 2009. His position does not require Senate confirmation.

    These are just a sample of the people President Obama is placing in positions of power within his Administration. If you want more information on these three and many others, please visit: http://www.getliberty.org/content.asp?pl=187&contentid=187

    Next week we will examine two more. Those who are interested in exclusive information before it reaches the public, please contact Don@getliberty.org

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