ALG Editor’s Note: When the people of Honduras took to the streets to preserve their democracy on June 28 of this year, ALG News — along with informed editors and broadcasters nationwide — helped overcome a deliberate campaign of disinformation proffered jointly by Chavistas in Latin America and the Obama State Department. The commentary below — though filled with factual errors in defense of deposed Marxist despot Manuel Zelaya — makes one very telling point: The brave people of Honduras may in fact be the spark plug to liberate millions of people now under the repressive regimes of the Castro-lite crowd throughout Latin America. And, who knows, they may even be the inspiration to the people of the United States to resist the thugs now trying to intimidate patriotic protesters at tea parties and town hall meetings — not to mention those in the Halls of Power who shout down and ridicule their own constituents.

Latin leftists fear a Honduras coup domino effect
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras – Manuel Zelaya’s chances of getting restored to the Honduran presidency become more distant with each passing week. Across Latin America, his allies and foes alike see a precedent being set.
It’s a glimmer of hope for the region’s conservative elite, which has watched with dismay over the past decade as a wave of leftist presidents has risen to power, promising to topple the establishment and give greater power to the poor.
When the once-moderate Zelaya started down that path, Honduras’ military, Congress and Supreme Court teamed up to oust him, and despite protests from across the hemisphere the coup-installed government remains in place. Could this be the model Latin America’s conservatives were desperately seeking?
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who was briefly ousted in a 2002 coup himself, said Cuba’s Fidel Castro told him the situation in Honduras will “open the door to the wave of coups coming in Latin America.”
“Fidel says something that is very true,” he said.
Added Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, a close ally of Chavez and Zelaya: “We have intelligence reports that say that after Zelaya, I’m next.”
Across the region, conservatives who long ruled Latin America — and still own much of it — are showing signs of unrest, with armed uprisings in Bolivia and marches in Guatemala where tens of thousands of protesters have demanded the president resign.
But the most extreme case came in Honduras, a country with three decades of political stability and seven consecutive democratically elected presidents.
“This coup really surprised us,” said Jorge Acevedo, deputy director of a Honduran human rights group. “We thought the issue of civilian rule was something we had resolved a long time ago.”
Soldiers arrested Zelaya on June 28 and flew him into exile, and within hours Congress swore in the next-in-line to the presidency, Roberto Micheletti. In the six weeks since, demonstrations by Zelaya supporters and diplomatic efforts by countries ranging from the United States to Venezuela have been unsuccessful in orchestrating Zelaya’s return… continue reading here.