The Overnights: Obama’s Czars Are Big Blog Stories
By Adam Bitely
While a majority of mainstream media coverage is about Obama’s Health Care plan, a large number of bloggers are talking about Obama’s czars. Everyone remembers hearing about Van Jones, but there are many more that are being covered in the blogosphere.
For instance, let’s look at Mark Lloyd. This is Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar. In a story broken on Newsbuster’s on Wednesday morning, it was revealed that Mark Lloyd is a racist. Not only is there much written documentation, there is also video showing that Mr. Lloyd’s beliefs do not match a large majority of the country.
It is in the blogosphere that the czar’s of Obama are exposed. It was the blogosphere with help from Glenn Beck that led to Van Jones’s demise. No “kooky” czar is safe from this media powerhouse.
Now the blogosphere is ready to go with Mark Lloyd. Between Glenn Beck and the NetRight, Mark Lloyd is about to be in some serious hot water. Be sure to follow the news on the Obama czars and more specifically Mark Lloyd at NetRight Nation.
Adam Bitely is the New Media Director at Americans for Limited Government and the Executive Director of NetRight Nation.