ALG Editor’s Note: In the following featured commentary from the Washington Examiner, New Media Director Adam Bitely is featured on the StopJarrett movement and website.
Point and click: Bloggers digging dirt on Obama adviser Jarrett
By: Nikki Schwab and Tara Palmeri
Valerie Jarrett
Now, who said the GOP didn’t have an online presence?
Sure, the Republic National Committee’s Web site pushes all the kitschy elements of a choreographed social networking strategy with its YouTube, Facebook and Twitter links to target that coveted 18-to-40 crowd, but maybe the party’s grass-roots core has an agenda of its own.
Fresh off the victory of the recently resigned Obama administration Special Adviser for Green Jobs Van Jones, conservative bloggers have set their sights on another of President Obama’s longtime pals.
“I’m not sure what set it off,” said Adam Bitely, executive director of, “but I do know that the rumblings in the blogosphere tell me that Valerie Jarrett is fast becoming a liability.”
Bitely, who monitors the Web site’s daily publication “Overnights,” noticed in late October bloggers began prodding at Jarrett, who is Obama’s senior adviser and assistant for public engagement and intergovernmental affairs.
According a statement released by the organization, has drawn record hits for NetRightNation.
And Jarrett’s recent appearances on the Sunday talk show circuit have fueled the underground resentment.
This past Sunday, Jarrett fired back at ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos when he asked her about the partisan divide on President Obama’s proposals to Congress.
“Well, you should ask that question to the Republican Party,” Jarrett said.
Bitely said bloggers were onto Jarrett and were bringing together the elements of a scandal in the Oval Office.
“We’re collecting it all at, and it is growing at a rapid pace every single day,” Bitely said.
Um, OK. We’ll be checking our inbox to see how that goes.