10.31.2009 0

Thanksgiving Message 2009

  • On: 11/25/2009 11:58:09
  • In: Uncategorized
  • “On the Fourth of July, we celebrate our Independence;

    on Thanksgiving Day, we commemorate our dependence.

    And as our Forefathers taught us: we could hardly have achieved

    the former had we not so gratefully acknowledged the latter.”

    – Rev. C. Gordon Clews, November 23, 1967

    Dear Friend, 

    For many Americans, there is no purer, more peaceful and profoundly enjoyable, holiday than Thanksgiving.

    No gifts need by given. No demands need be met to run frantically from pillar to post assuring that all the relatives are paid a proper visit. No endless jaunts to shopping malls. No trees to trim or lights to string.

    Nothing but family, faith, friends – and, of course, the Detroit Lions (“into each life some rain must fall”).

    Seriously, all of us here at Americans for Limited Government wish you and yours the very happiest of Thanksgivings. It is, truly, a wonderfully serene day when we all can pause and give thanks for the bountiful blessings attendant to living in a land of which Ronald Reagan said:

    “You can call it mysticism if you want to, but I have always believed that there was some divine plan that placed this great continent between two oceans to be sought out by those who were possessed of an abiding love of freedom and a special kind of courage.”

    May you be richly blessed on this Thanksgiving Day, 2009. Now, go get out the tinsel, trim, and icicle lights!


    The Staff at ALG News

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