11.30.2009 0

A Return to Slavery One Progressive Step at a Time

  • On: 12/17/2009 09:25:39
  • In: Health Care
  • by Dave Cribbin

    Let’s just call it what it is, as one of my favorite economists Walter E. Williams writes in a recent Town Hall column:

    “There is absolutely no moral case, much less constitutional case, for Congress forcibly using one American to serve the purposes of another American, a practice that differs only in degree from slavery, which we all should find morally offensive.”

    If you strip the health-care debate of it’s sugar coated political buzz words such as mandate and public option, aren’t we really talking about just another case where the government has decided to force you to labor for the benefit of someone else? At the rate we are going, how long will it be before you’ll be spending more of your time working for others rather than yourself. Isn’t that so very altruistic of you!

    If the Health Care Police (HCP), I assume they would be the ones in charge of enforcing the governments health care mandate, knocked on your door every other Monday morning and forced your college educated 22 year old daughter to work all day picking up trash on the side of the highway you’d be horrified. You’d want some answers! What dastardly criminal act could she have committed to deserve such a punishment, keeping her out of work all day and thereby depriving her of 10% of her income?

    They don’t do that in America, you say. Well, not quite yet anyway, but they will soon if the Democrats have their way with health care. She will be forced by the government to spend an equivalent amount of her earnings to purchase something she had decided not to. Is this not also a practice that differs only in degrees?

    As a parent, wouldn’t you want to talk to the prosecutor to know what crime your daughter had committed that merited a fine that was upwards of 10% of her income? Shouldn’t there be some kind of a trial to find her guilty before punishment is meted out, even if it is only a show trial like the one KSM is entitled to? Won’t you be mortified to learn she has committed the most heinous of acts imaginable in our new Progressive Society? That’s right she is guilty of working for an employer who does not provide health insurance, and has failed to purchase a government approved insurance policy on her own. Oh, the shame of it!

    Your representatives in Congress are spinning a yarn that goes like this: legions of hospitalized young adults without medical insurance are the cause of the explosion in health insurance premiums. This in an attempt to justify a morally bankrupt and unconstitutional taking of private property. Their remedy? Mandate (a pretty word that means to force) that all citizens must buy health insurance. That’s what they would like you to believe, but that is not what the facts tell us.

    The fact is that they are bullying healthy young people into to subsidizing health care premiums for those in poor health who have medical insurance, those with preexisting conditions who have been denied health insurance coverage and those who are not financially able to purchase health insurance. The Progressive bullies in Congress always pick on the politically weak in society, in this case it happens to be young people, it’s not like they are reliable voters anyway, and their perennial favorites, “The Rich” who will pay the freight to provide an insurance subsidy for the politically favored classes.

    Will health insurance reform really be the rallying cry Progressives use to justify re-instituting a modern day version of Slavery in America?

    Dave Cribbin is a Liberty Features Syndicated writer for Americans for Limited Government.

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