From those Wonderful Folks who Brought You Detroit, MI …
By Carter Clews
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video – at least some videos – may easily be worth several million.
So, here’s a picture that’s worth about 500,000 words – roughly the number of words in the Senate health care bill – depicting what some 60% of Americans fear may well be the result if government bureaucrats and the nanny state are allowed to take over America’s health care system:
And for those who think that’s a trifle too severe, below is a video of the horror that befell Detroit, Michigan, after government bureaucrats and the nanny state were allowed to take over that once-prosperous city. It’s likely worth about 10,000,000 words – all heartfelt pleas to stop government hegemony dead in its tracks. But, a few of the host’s final words will suffice:
“Detroit has been the perfect laboratory for leftist policies at work for nearly half a century. It is the perfect vision of the leftist utopia this Administration sees.”
Carter Clews is the Executive Editor of ALG News.