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The Daily Wrap-Up according to Adam Bitely:
Good Tuesday Afternoon –
The House GOP has launched AmericaSpeakingOut.com today to determine what issues are important to Americans. The site allows users to input information on actions they want Congress to take–or not take. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers posted here about the site.
Obama has announced that he will send 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border for security purposes. He will request $500 million from Congress to fund the operation. Story here.
Doesn’t seem like Congress remembers that there is a deficit problem at the moment. From the Daily Caller: “Democrats in Congress have added $173 billion in new spending to the federal deficit in just three months since they passed a law requiring that any new expenditures be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget.” Continue reading.
Very scary. USA Today: Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov’t payouts rise…
Check out the Cartoon of the Day from NetRightDaily’s William Warren: “Reading My Teleprompter”.
Obama and Corker clash at GOP/Obama lunch today on Capitol Hill: “Four officials present at the rare session said that when Obama appealed for bipartisanship, Corker accused him of “audacity” given the administration’s handling of the financial reform package and other legislation. Corker was a lead GOP negotiator on the bill to regulate Wall Street… President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans called a high-noon cease-fire in their long-running political feud Tuesday, holding a rare, private meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss what legislation can be achieved during this volatile election year.” Politico reports that McCain and Obama also had a showdown…
NRD’s Kevin Mooney looks into NYT’s coverage of Rand Paul. According to Mooney: “Allegations of racism that have been directed against average Americans opposed to unconstitutional federal power grabs have been wearing thin for some time. Nevertheless, The New York Times remains convinced race can be used as a foil against the leading proponents of small government initiatives.”
Republicans in Congress still support Bailouts. That’s right, 9 House Republicans are backing a bailout of Union Pensions. The funds have been poorly mismanaged for years, and now, the Unions are begging the American taxpayers for the money that they misspent. Story here.
DOJ refuses to appoint independent counsel to investigate claims that the White House offered Joe Sestak a job if he would withdraw from the PA Senate Primary against Arlen Specter. Sestak defeated Specter in last week’s Democratic primary.
North Korea severs all ties with South Korea raising tensions on the peninsula. This comes after South Korea finds that North Korea destroyed their warship resulting in nearly 50 deaths.
Do you have something that should be included in the Daily Wrap-Up? Please send it to Adam@netrightnation.com.