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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day in reference to Rep. Lamborn’s defund Public Broadcasting legislation: “Congress refuses to cut spending anywhere ever — it has not been able to reduce the debt for over fifty years. If Congress can’t cut public broadcasting, which is absolutely non-essential, it won’t be able to cut anything ever.”
- Democrat Senate to promote rapist, serial killer apologist to 2nd Circuit Court
- Disclosure is overrated
- First Amendment foolery
- DISCLOSE Act shields left wing groups from disclosure requirements
- Political class pursues costly, counterproductive and irrelevant policy schemes
- The wheels come off the liberal juggernaut
- Hugh Hewitt: Obama is in over his head
- Crisis economics
- Playing politics vs. fighting the spill
- ObamaCare and the independent vote
- Ignoring deficits: Extending the “stimulus”
- An end to spending excess
- Rahm on the way out?
- Republicans’ midterm voting enthusiasm tops prior years
- Death tax threatens to kill jobs