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Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson’s quote of the day from House to end recess and bail out bankrupt states: “The American people need to let their elected representatives know their outrage over this latest $26.1 billion states bailout. The House will be voting as early as Monday, and the least the people can do is let members know that there will be a severe political price to be paid for wasting more taxpayer money in such a reckless fashion.”
- Unemployment rate remains at 9.5%, Another 131,000 jobs lost
- Robbing ‘rich’ wrecks economy
- National debt is key 2010 campaign issue
- Fairness and the capital tax fetish
- Cartoon of the day, “Congress is still more poplar than… Mel Gibson”
- Republicans ask ‘What do I do now?’
- Medicare’s chief actuary vs. Obama on the ObamaCare facts
- Dem candidates silent on legislative successes
- ‘Wal-Mart moms’ will take angst out on someone
- How does Obama measure up?
- Kudlow: Panic setting in at WH over economy
- As House returns for votes this week, so will Tea Partiers
- Logging industry faces chopping block
- Overreaching on gay marriage?
- Maybe we should prohibit the wheel, too
- How public sector union pensions are too rich for America
- The limits of Keynesian policy