09.23.2010 0

Rep. Zack Space Violates Anti-Lobbyist Campaign Donations Pledge

When Zach Space (D-OH) ran for Congress to fill the seat of disgraced former Congressman Bob Ney, he pledged to not accept campaign donations from lobbyists. It looks like Space is having a hard time living up to that pledge.

From the Cleaveland Plain Dealer:

After experiencing lapses as early as 2007, Federal Election Commission records show Space has subsequently accepted money from several lobbyists, including John Breaux, Jr., son of a former Democratic U.S. Senator from Louisiana, who gave Space $250 this April. Lobbying registration records show the younger Breaux – who partnered in a lobbying firm with his father and former Senate GOP Leader Trent Lott – is currently registered as a lobbyist for Citigroup, AT&T, and Goldman Sachs, among other clients.

Records also indicate Space also took $250 from railroad lobbyist Ray Chambers this March. Lobbying registration records show his clients include Railcet, the R.J. Corman Railroad Group, and Desertxpress.

In September, 2008, Space’s campaign got a $500 donation from Daniel C. Tate, Jr. of Capitol Solutions, where he was listed as a lobbyist for Comcast, Verizon Wireless, and Honda North America during that time period.

In July 2008, Space’s campaign accepted $250 from Thomas James, a registered lobbyist with the Truck Renting and Leasing Association.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Tory Mazzola called it “blatant hypocrisy” for Space to accept money from lobbyists when he pledged not to.

“Whose job is it to find out if they are lobbyists?” Mazzola asked. “It is his job.”

Space does all he can to avoid taking campaign money from lobbyists and returns donations from lobbyists if he learns cash has slipped through, says Space campaign spokesman Andrew Ricci. Space’s campaign returned Breaux’s check on July 14, and has either returned the other checks or is in the process of returning them, Ricci said.

Ricci noted that Space’s Republican opponent, State Rep. Bob Gibbs, has accepted more than $10,000 this year from donors who list their profession as “lobbyist.” He observed that Gibbs told a GOP candidates forum this April that: “Getting a few dollars from someone does not corrupt you. If it does, you shouldn’t be running for office.”

“Gibbs isn’t even trying to restrict the influence of lobbyists in Washington or his own personal political career,” said Ricci. “If he goes to Washington, he will be part of the problem.”

“If the best Republicans can do to create a distraction from what Zack is doing to create jobs and bring in broadband is to find a few people who may have donated to Zack’s campaign, that is a very sad day for Bob Gibbs,” Ricci added.

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