
The Empty Suit

By William Warren – My latest cartoon makes a joke about Obama going through the full body TSA scanners.


It May Be A Minor Cutback…But It’s A Start

Congressman Eric Cantor’s Youcut program has introduced The Presidential Election Fund to the list of items that could be cut. The fund gives money to Presidential candidates, yet limits their spending. Reporter Frank McCaffrey looks at why this cut be a great place to start chopping.


Must Reads for November 23

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Tuesday Morning, Here are your morning Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : When government doesn’t work, they seek charity Democrats try to crack the mystery of the missing votes Heath Shuler likely to be sacked in 2012 Is the electorate moving right? Cartoon of the day, “Liberty’s Pat Down” Time for NPR to stop getting taxpayer funding House Dems showing they still don’t get it Empty promises on Health Care will haunt Obama Sowell: Airport “security”? North Korea fires on South Korea By ending earmarks, Congress can show that it is not a game show


When Government Doesn’t Work, They Seek Charity

By Adam Bitely – Mount Clemens, Michigan was once a thriving community in the suburbs of Detroit. Known as “Bath City” for its mineral baths, the community has been in decline since the Great Depression. Mount Clemens is also home to my family. My mother […]


Liberty’s Pat Down

By William Warren – My latest cartoon takes a look at the situation with the TSA.


Heath Shuler likely to be sacked in 2012

By Rick Manning – Heath Shuler did the unthinkable and challenged Nancy Pelosi for her crown as queen bee of the House Democrats in a decidedly more liberal and diminished House caucus. After being overwhelmingly rejected, Shuler and his fellow “Blue Dog” Democrats have a problem, their […]


Must Reads for November 22

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Monday Morning, Here are your morning Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : The ‘Build America’ debt bomb Happy New Year’s, or Happy Tax Collector Day? The Fred Upton voting record Upton theater Fred Upton’s light bulb ban Top political scientist: U.S. voters are ‘pretty damn stupid’ 4 possible GOP dark horses for 2012 Will Republicans get serious on spending? Obama’s GM ‘success story’ is still a loser The Federal Reserve has taken the wrong course TSA boss says no screening change anytime soon… Debt-ridden Michigan city seeks donations Krugman’s conspiracy theory


Fred Upton’s Light Bulb Ban

By Frank McCaffrey – Michigan Congressman Fred Upton has forced Americans by law to change the type of light bulb they use. He’s running for the House Energy Commerce Committee and according to Americans For Limited Government’s Bill Wilson , he’s the wrong guy for the job. […]


Krugman’s Conspiracy Theory

By Robert Romano – The world is plotting against Paul Krugman’s economic central planning scheme.  At least, that’s what we’re supposed to believe, based on his recent contribution to the national political dialogue, “Axis of Depression.” In this piece, Krugman has a theory about recent Republican criticism […]


Happy New Year’s, or Happy Tax Collector’s Day?

By Rebekah Rast – Americans might be celebrating New Year’s a little differently this year. Unless Congress is able to compromise on big-ticket items like the expiring 2001 and 2003 tax cuts before Dec. 31, 2010, New Year’s resolutions will consist of more ways Americans […]

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