
Government Tax Collectors Threaten Ranching Legacy

By Rebekah Rast – Elizabeth Marshall Maybee would be the first to tell you that ranching is a lifestyle. Not a pastime, not a hobby for retirement, but a lifestyle. She is a ranch owner in Southern Humboldt in northern California. The Marshall Ranch has […]


Don’t Touch My Junk!

By William Warren – My latest cartoon comments on Charlie Rangel, who will (hopefully) finally be brought to justice for all of his ethics mess.  It also plays off of the stories regarding the TSA, including the “Don’t Touch My Junk!” video that went viral. […]


Barack Obama & Jimmy Carter, Almost Too Similar

Both were exciting new candidates who ran for office using the word “change”. Both appeared to grow disillusioned with the U.S. One was taken down by Ronald Reagan, what will happen to the other? Reporter Frank McCaffrey and ALG’s Don Todd examine the Carter/Obama parallel.


Paul Krugman: Death Panels Will Fix Debt Crisis

Paul Krugman is at it again . As we noted back in April , and as the left has claimed time and again is an outright lie, death panels are real and the “radical progressive left” wants to implement them. Krugman has said so himself–numerous times. Krugman, a guest on ABC’s “This Week With Christiane Amanpour” , made the following comment: “Some years […]


Mitch McConnell Supports Earmark Ban

In an interesting turn of events, Mitch McConnell has signaled that he will support a ban on earmarks in the U.S. Senate. From Mitch McConnell : Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor Monday regarding the united […]


NYT Does a Great Disservice to its Readership on Climate Change Coverage, U.N. Critic Says

By Kevin Mooney — Precious little progress has been made from the alarmist perspective since the United Nations climate change conference held last December in Copenhagen, Denmark, a blogger for the New York Times concedes . Looking ahead to the next conference, which opens at the end of November in Cancun, Mexico there […]


Gov. Christie and Other Fiscal Hawks Should Consider Life Cycle Budgeting

By Kevin Mooney — Polls show that New Jersey voters ardently support Gov. Chris Christie’s decision to cancel the $8.7 billion commuter rail tunnel to New York City. His actions have attracted criticism from state lawmakers and transportation officials who favor the project. However, a […]


Must Reads for November 15

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Monday Morning, Here are your morning Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : Freshmen Republicans should keep independence and challenge power grabs The GOP’s spending tests Shuler will challenge Pelosi if she doesn’t step aside ObamaCare: Union waiver favors pile up Waiver-mania! The ever-expanding ObamaCare escapee list Ridiculous earmarks Has the TSA gone too far? One and done: Obama should not seek re-election in 2012 RNC Chair battle: Steele opponents now certain they will beat him The Bush presidency revisionism is out of contro l Ireland shows no time for half measures A good place to start debating America’s fiscal mess


Ridiculous Earmarks

By Frank McCaffrey – With Americans demanding that congress cut spending, it would seem apparent that earmarks would be frozen. Senator Jim DeMint is using his new found power to clash with the Senate’s top Republican over congress’ practice of spending federal money on pet […]


Ireland Shows No Time for Half Measures

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was granted the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but because she refused to be his consort, the god punished her by making it so that nobody would believe her predictions. Today, it appears that credit rating agencies have contracted a Cassandra […]

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