This week, Americans watched George W. Bush come back on the political scene through the release of his memoirs, Decision Points. He hit the media circuit with appearances on Oprah, Hannity, and a special prime-time interview with Matt Lauer, as well as Rush Limbaugh. And […]
With Americans demanding that congress cut spending, it would seem apparent that earmarks would be frozen. Senator Jim DeMint is using his new found power to clash with the Senate’s top Republican over congress’ practice of spending federal money on pet projects back home. These are little bits and pieces tacked onto bills that bring money to often ridiculous projects. Americans For Limited Government’s President Bill Wilson spoke with reporter Frank McCaffrey about Washington’s brand of pork.
By Kevin Mooney — Attention incoming House and Senate Republicans. You are well positioned deep inside enemy territory to operate as constitutional insurgents. This means you are not part of the club and must remain separate and distinct from your party’s leadership in order to […]
China’s credit rating agency, Dagong, has once again downgraded the U.S. credit rating, this time down to A+ . The agency cited the Federal Reserve’s proposed $600 billion in purchases of U.S. treasuries, writing that the “move entirely encroaches on the interests of the creditors, indicating the decline of the U.S. government’s intention of debt repayment.” While the Fed […]
By Kevin Mooney — Political operatives connected with renamed ACORN affiliates remain strongly positioned to help swing close, competitive races for left-leaning candidates in 2012 elections, according to former insiders and policy analysts who are familiar with the network’s operations. Even as the organization known […]
In Virginia, Delegate John O’Bannon is sponsoring legislation that could bring a “Don’t Tread On Me” license plate to the roads in the Old Dominion. This seems like a pretty cool idea. There is some irony in the license plate though. As Bearing Drift’s Brian Kirwin noted, “I don’t mind if the Tea Party gets […]
Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson sent a letter to each newly elected Republican Member of the House urging them to oppose Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) as Chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. In his letter to the new Members, Wilson highlights Rep. […]