Here is ALG President Bill Wilson‘s reaction to Speaker Boehner’s speech that he delivered earlier today when he was given the gavel to the House of Representatives:
“Speaker Boehner understands that to serve as a representative is a trust with the American people based on the consent of the governed, not an entitlement for the powerful. In his words, it is the ‘People’s House’ that he will be leading, merely as its caretaker, mindful that if the House Republican majority does not act on the express wishes of the people, that it will indeed be a temporary majority.
“The challenges are great. Washington now has its claws in health care via ObamaCare, the financial sector via Dodd-Frank and the takeovers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and energy via the Environmental Protection Agency’s carbon endangerment finding. These must be undone and repealed, and we praise Speaker Boehner’s commitment to these issues.
“John Boehner is one leader in Washington who did get the message of November’s elections, and Americans for Limited Government congratulates his elevation to the House Speaker’s chair. His leadership in the minority against the Obama agenda in 2009 and 2010, against the ‘stimulus’, ObamaCare, carbon caps and taxes, and Washington’s unsustainable spending, is one of the major reasons why Republicans regained a majority in November.
“Americans for Limited Government looks forward to working with the new Republican majority in the House and responsible Democrats to bring the nation’s fiscal house into order, begin to pay off the national debt, and roll back an ever-expansive government.
“It will be up to Mr. Boehner to lead the charge to return the government to its limited constitutional functions, to the states, and most importantly, to the people.”