By Rick Manning
George Soros’ puppet group, along with the AFL-CIO, SEIU and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and a laundry list of far left groups are staging rallies across the United States to try to stop the tea party/limited government momentum that has surged across the nation.
MoveOn’s fear based rallying cry contained in the announcement e-mail tells the story of someone who purports to be a mother and college student who cannot get a job now, and worries when the mean old Republicans are done, it will be next to impossible to get one. With a baby who has had multiple heart surgeries, which the mean old tea party wants to deny her, she is just afraid for the future of America.
Not surprisingly, no mention is made in the e-mail or the flyer that the purpose of these rallies is to ensure that the U.S. government budget deficit will continue to balloon out of control. It is merely the common fear of someone who feels as though they benefit from the existing out of control spending and fears what will happen if things are changed.
Also, not surprisingly, the e-mail never mentions that in just a few years, that heart surgery will likely not occur due to the ObamaCare-induced shortage of qualified surgeons to do it. Somehow by bringing the budget into alignment with our nation’s revenues, the dreams of Americans will be shattered, at least that is the theme of the rallies.
The special interests behind the rallies are truly the shock troops of the hard left, and this is anything but a mom and pop operation.
In the 2010 election, AFSCME, representing public employees, spent more than any other group on elections, a whopping $87 million. After they were soundly defeated at the polls, they are now back with a vengeance, funding rallies at times when public employees get off work (in Fairfax, VA the rally is at 4:30 pm), to try to stop elected officials from taking the financially necessary steps of reducing the size and scope of government.
The AFL-CIO has spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the past few election cycles to elect big government oriented politicians who are beholden to them. Representing 600,000 federal and DC dues paying government workers through the American Federation of Government Employees, the AFL-CIO has millions at stake in keeping government large and in charge.
The SEIU has its own government employee union arm, the National Association Government Employees with more than 42,000 dues paying members and a multi-million dollar budget.
The massive growth in public sector unionization has seen the number of public employees who belong to a union exceed private sector union members within the past year for the first time in history.
Growing government is good business for organized labor, as private sector industrial job creators flee the high costs of unionization to either right to work states or overseas.
Now you know the dirty little secret that Big Labor has been trying to hide. They are the ultimate beneficiaries of big government, and with their near uniform rejection in the private sector, their long-term survival depends upon government growth, and compulsory union membership.
Do you have doubts about why the Wisconsin protests became so virulent and over the top, as elected officials decided to take a step toward getting their budgets under control by limiting the power of public employee unions?
Expect more in the weeks ahead, as Big Labor struggles to maintain their government cash cow at a time, when America can no longer afford it.
Rick Manning is the Director of Communication for Americans for Limited Government