
An NLRB Appointee Who Is Manipulating Boeing Is In The Team Obama Spotlight

Craig Becker is an unelected and unconfirmed Obama Administration appointee who is working to force big companies to have unions. ALG Counsel Nathan Mehrens says this is a good person to have in the spotlight.


Energy Independence is a Myth

By Robert RomanoAnswering a question on America’s foreign dependence on oil from a Northern Virginia Community College student at a town hall event on April 19, Barack Obama boldly alleged , “we have actually continually increased U.S. production, so U.S. production is as high as it’s ever been.” It was a claim so false as to be laughable. In fact, in 1970, the U.S. produced 9.6 million barrels of oil a day, the most we ever produced . But today, we only produce 5.5 million a day. And while domestic […]


Welcome Back, Carter

By Frank McCaffrey – There are a number of parallels between President Barack Obama and former President Jimmy Carter and recent information on America’s financial situation has us saying, “Welcome Back Carter.”


How an Unelected, Unconfirmed Obama Appointee is working to destroy the secret ballot

By Rick Manning – It is somewhat odd that one of President Ronald Reagan’s most often used quotes “Personnel is policy”, isn’t particularly eloquent although its alliteration and brevity make it memorable. Perhaps the three word phrase is remembered because it is succinct and accurate, even more […]


It’s Official, Obama Is Making Us Say “Welcome Back Carter”

There are a number of parallels between President Barack Obama and former President Jimmy Carter and recent information on America’s financial situation has us saying, “Welcome Back Carter.”
Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.


The NFL Draft

The National Football League is being turned on its head due to labor strife.  Unlike most companies, the NFL needs a labor agreement to make its player draft legal, distribute national television revenues between teams, and set uniform work and hiring rules across the entire […]


Keynes vs. Hayek: Round 2

Courtesy of Russ Roberts at Cafe Hayek , here is the latest installment of the fight of the century:


Must Reads for April 28

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox, click here ! Good Thursday afternoon, Here are the Must Reads according to Adam Bitely : EPA imposes will on Florida, costs estimated to top $1.5 billion The coming Bernanke-Obama stagflation NLRB seeks to overturn voter-approved secret ballot laws in Arizona, South Dakota… Union Battles: A window for parental choice How big a problem are public-sector pensions? Economy Slowed By High Prices, Bad Weather [And, Definitely, Not Failed Policies of Barack Obama] Barone: It’s too early for clues on the GOP’s 2012 nominee Online gaming: A question of liberty Now, can we get on to the real debate? Man vs. the state Keynes vs. Hayek: Round 2 The Ben Bernanke variety hour Superman to renounce U.S. citizenship… Protein Wisdom: The 2011 mock NFL draft


Online Gaming: A Question of Liberty

By Victor Morawski – Recent actions by the U.S. Attorney’s Office of New York citing three large online poker sites for alleged violations of the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) have once again thrust Internet gaming (or “gambling”, if you prefer) into the […]


EPA Imposes Will on Florida, Costs Estimated to Top $1.5 Billion

By Bill WilsonA federal judge has granted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority over the issuance of water permits in the Everglades , and giving the state of Florida until July 1 to comply with the ruling.  By then, Florida is required to show what steps it is taking to reduce phosphorous fertilizer runoff from sugar and other farms into the Everglades. Florida has promised […]

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