By Frank McCaffrey – Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin offended a number of people when he proposed Medicare reform recently. However, his idea is not only a good one, it doesn’t go far enough. ALG’s Robert Romano explains and reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.
By Bill Wilson – As Congress stands at an impasse over increasing the $14.294 trillion national debt ceiling, where Republicans are demanding trillions of dollars of spending cuts and Democrats trillions in tax increases, it is worth contemplating just how the nation’s finances have gotten so rapidly […]
NRD Editor’s Note: On July 20, Rep. Doug Lamborn’s legislation, H.R. 2011, the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Policy Act of 2011, passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee by a unanimous vote. It is unknown when the bill will reach the House floor. […]
By Victor Morawski – Praise has come recently to newly-announced Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty for having the boldness to take on King Corn in Iowa when he officially revealed his decision to run. Said the Wall Street Journal , “Pawlenty has passed an early test of fortitude” by departing […]
Just because the U.S. hits the debt ceiling it does not mean that the U.S. immediately defaults on its debt, as popular left-wing claims have rang aloud. As I noted more than a month ago, the claim that we automatically default is a big lie . First, as Conn Carroll at the Washington Examiner noted today, […]
By Paul Driessen – President Obama frequently says Americans “need to end our $4 billion in annual taxpayer subsidies to oil companies.” The latest Democrat bill would have repealed some $2 billion of what Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and others call “subsidies” and “special tax […]
By Bill Wilson – When the Republican establishment is spending much of its time deflecting criticism and denying that the current field of candidates running for president is weak, rest assured, it is weak. A recent AP poll of Republicans found that 45 percent were dissatisfied with […]
The June 2011 issue of the Washingtonian magazine features a story that makes little sense given events that have unfolded over the past couple of weeks. The odd story is titled “The Invisible Man”, and tells the story of the former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Khan with heavy […]