
Debt Owed to the Public

By Robert RomanoIn a recent column for the Wall Street Journal , Holman Jenkins criticized rating agencies for threatening to downgrade the United States’ Triple-A credit rating because, he writes, “the debt to bondholders will be the last to be dishonored.” As such, the U.S. is nowhere near default. That may be so — […]


Revulsion against bailouts on both sides of the Atlantic

By Howard Rich – Last week a gleeful American press corps celebrated the most recent “European” bailout of Greece. In fact, one major wire service blissfully concluded that this $230 billion infusion of cash would “end the region’s debt crisis.” Of course such unfounded optimism […]


Obama Regs Suffocate Recovery

By Rick Manning – Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, has put the finger on why America is suffering from a jobless recovery as high unemployment continues at 9.2 percent, the federal government and the regulations it imposes. In an interview with Investor’s Business Daily , Marcus doesn’t mince words when he says, […]


The Fight That Will Define Republicans

Click here to contact Congress to tell them to oppose the House and Senate debt plans. The following post from Erick Erickson is a must read, and is a great way to think about the fight that confronts Conservatives and Republicans right now: This morning took an interesting turn of events. First the Wall Street Journal called us hobbits. Then Bill Kristol proclaimed […]


The Debt Deal Con

The only vital difference between the House and Senate plans is Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Senate plan places a cap on spending which includes war spending, and the House plan allows the discretionary spending cap to be adjusted to pay for the war.  So, while […]


Courage & Conviction — Not Compromise

By David Bozeman – Why is it that nearly every time there’s a federal budget impasse, Republicans find themselves on the losing end politically? More important, wh is it that our on-going “debate” resembles more a sitting room tiff than a real clash of ideologies? […]


The $1 Billion Trillion Dollar Cut

By Robert Romano – A Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate released on July 26 states that the total cut for Fiscal Year 2012 in a now-dead House leadership plan to increase the $14.294 trillion debt ceiling would only amount to $1 billion. Americans for Limited Government Bill Wilson called the proposal “laughably pathetic,” noting that “after claiming $1.2 […]


ALG Reacts to Miniscule $1 Billion in Cuts to FY2012 in House Debt Ceiling Plan

Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today reacted to a Congressional Budget Office estimate stating that the total cut for Fiscal Year 2012 in the House leadership debt ceiling increase plan would only amount to $1 billion: “It is laughably pathetic that after claiming $1.2 trillion […]


GOP Troubles for Boehner Debt Plan

Boehner’s debt plan is in jeopardy in the House of Representatives. Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan has come out against the plan . Rep. Jordan stated, “While I thank the Speaker for fighting for Republican principles, I cannot support the plan that was presented to House Republicans this afternoon.” Further, […]


Must Reads for July 26

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Tuesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Barack “Don’t Call My Bluff” Obama $3 trillion is not $4 trillion Failure to raise the debt ceiling doesn’t mean default RSC Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan says ‘No Thanks’ to Boehner debt plan Cartoon of the day: “Obama’s Wrench In the Plans” Leadership default: Obama blames House Republicans for everything It’s clear that Obama has been the debt deal roadblock Virginia’s bogus surplus The coming autopocalypse LOL: Gingrich admits regret for 2008 climate change ad with Pelosi Wisconsin Governor Walker’s budget reforms saved union jobs Is success in politics tied to independence from the two major parties?

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