07.21.2011 0

Speaker Boehner Should Reject McConnell’s ‘Plan B’

The following letter is being sent to members of the House today by Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson:

To the Members of the House of Representatives:

Representative Joe Walsh is distributing a letter to Speaker Boehner urging him to reject the McConnell Senate debt ceiling proposal.  Moody’s has warned that the McConnell proposal fails to prevent a credit downgrade of the United States, and your signature will help ensure that the Speaker remains focused upon the only serious legislation to avoid this catastrophic outcome – cut, cap and balance.

Americans for Limited Government urges you to sign the Walsh letter today so it will be clear to the Speaker that even if passed in the Senate, the McConnell proposal is dead on arrival in the House.

Thank you for your consideration.  We will be scoring this letter, as it will be the only vehicle that the House should have to go on record regarding this ill-conceived idea which if passed, would ensure that our nation’s debt would be downgraded, making balancing the budget dramatically more difficult and painful.


William A. “Bill” Wilson


Americans for Limited Government

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