
Must Reads for September 28

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Wednesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Obamacare regs grind on as courts debate Despite Obamacare, costs continue to soar N.C. Governor Bev Purdue suggests suspending 2012 elections… Former White House OMB Director: We need less democracy Cartoon: “Cripple America” Unions: The cause of Michigan’s malaise Every job requires an entrepreneur Odds favor GOP regaining control of the Senate in 2012 Romney’s health care problem could get worse A serious plan to replace Obamacare? White House bully problem Russia’s natural state of corruption Abolish the Department of Homeland Security?


Cripple America

Cartoon by William Warren


Obamacare regs grind on as courts debate

By John Vinci — Last Friday marked one and a half years since the passage of Obamacare. The more the Obama Administration implements Obamacare and the more Americans discover what it actually contains, the more we realize how disastrous it is. Just this week Milliman, […]


Watch your back, America! Obama is listening

By Rebecca DiFede — Imagine for a second, a world in which people could tell on their fellow neighbors, friends and enemies for speaking out against government actions or policies, and deliver that information to the leaders themselves. Think about the unspeakable horror that could […]


Obama’s latest jaw dropper

By Rick Manning — The Obama Administration has one shining quality — an ability to dumbfound and amaze through some of the most ill-conceived proposals in human history. I’m talking bad like, “Abe, let’s go see the new play that is at Ford’s Theatre,” bad. The latest […]


ObamaCare Likely Headed To The Supreme Court, We React

ALG’s John Vinci runs Obamacarewatcher.org. He gives his take on the health care law’s visit to the Supreme Court.


North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue calls for suspension of elections

It’s time for Bev Perdue, Governor of North Carolina, to resign or be impeached. In case you missed it, Perdue has called for a suspension of Federal elections , stating, “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever […]


Must Reads for September 27

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Tuesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : The Chicago way Coke chief criticizes U.S. business climate; says China is better place to do business Delaware’s very own Solyndra Supreme Court to hear ObamaCare case during current term… ObamaCare: The major miscalculation A short history of the income tax Liberal scare tactics: Death by government cuts Europe’s last hope Solyndra and the GOP… Sowell: Searching for a Republican Superman Time to end farm subsidies Russia’s humiliator-in-chief Public schools eat too much at the government trough Why don’t ex-politicians create companies that follow their pronouncements when they were in office?


Supreme Court to hear ObamaCare case during current term…

This interesting news comes from Doug Mataconis over at Outside the Beltway : Yesterday, the Obama Administration was faced with the decision of whether to appeal the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Affordable Care Act to the Supreme Court or seek a rehearing before the full 11th Circuit. If it chose to exercise the second option it would likely […]


The Week Ahead: Rep. Austin Scott discusses jobs and unions

By Frank McCaffrey — In this week’s episode you will hear from Georgia Congressman Austin Scott on his bill regulating the National Labor Relations Board. Plus, we look at what leaders such as Mao Tse-Tung and Joseph Stalin did by centralizing government.

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