
Pay no attention to the inflation behind the curtain

By Bill Wilson — According to legend, in Czarist Russia, Grigory Potemkin constructed fake villages to make Catherine the Great believe that the countryside was tranquil and prosperous, when in fact it was chaotic and stricken with poverty. Such it is with government economic statistics, as evidenced […]


Obama Swings and Misses on Higher Ed Loans

Our President is trying to help the economy by cutting back the amount students pay on their college loans. ALG’s Robert Romano thinks this will backfire. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.


Must Reads for October 27

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Thursday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Will the U.S bailout Europe? New Infomercial: Harry Reid’s HD vision lenses Cartoon: Guide to Occupy Wall Street Protestors Media double standard on OWS vs. Tea Party Obama and the infantilization of America Global Warming RIP Is Ohio the new Wisconsin? Kasich’s reforms in Ohio Obama doubles down on failed mortgage bet Stossel: School competition rescues kids Crony capitalism comes home Romney’s threat to China What we spend on and get from higher education


Will the U.S. Bail Out Europe?

By Bill Wilson — Were it not so deadly serious, the spectacle in Europe would be a sure bet for the top slot on Comedy Central’s fall line-up. With each passing day, the twisted machinations of the “Eurocrats” and their underlings in the banks become more absurd. […]


Harry Reid’s Magical Glasses Infomercial…Check It Out Now!!!

Some of what you have heard Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid say has been way off. Well ALG has found an infomercial that explains why. Check it out!


Harry Reid’s magical glasses!

Harry Reid

By Frank McCaffrey Some of what you have heard Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid say has been way off. Well ALG has found an infomercial that explains why. Check it out!


Must Reads for October 26

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Wednesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : Obama’s following in Herbert Hoover’s footsteps Secret ballot elections? Not if the NLRB has its way Is Ohio the new Wisconsin? Cartoon: Occupy Obama’s Pocket The real Luddites It’s libel–except when environmentalist Michael Mann does it Conservatives slam Romney on Pubic Employee Union fight Joe Biden: Beltway bubble boy The Media and ‘bullying’ Millionaire movie maker Michael Moore refuses to admit that he is one of the 1% Creepy: Louisiana bans U.S. cash from being used at Goodwill and second hand shops Support among Americans for redistribution of wealth is declining Drugs and welfare in Florida


It’s libel — except when Mike does it

By Paul Driessen — Lewis Carroll died too soon. Just imagine the fun he’d have with the cliquish clan of climate catastrophe researchers who seek to control science, debate and public policy on global warming and energy – and then get outraged when someone challenges […]


Drugs and Welfare in Florida

By Rebecca DiFede — Recently, a federal court judge in Florida issued a temporary injunction against the law which requires all candidates for welfare to be drug tested. Within her 37 page order Judge Mary Scriven stipulated that her reason for blocking the law was that it might […]


Secret ballot elections? Not if the NLRB has its way

By Rick Manning — The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) finds itself in the news again as a federal court ruled that its lawsuit against the states of Arizona and South Dakota can move ahead. The heinous crime committed by these states (along with South Carolina and […]

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