By Frank McCaffrey — Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn has been fighting for entitlement reform. He has pointed at a man who acts like a baby and receives Social Security Disability benefits as an example. We speak with a former private investigator who looked at Social […]
By David Bozeman — Speaking as one of the 99 percent exploited by the “evil” rich, the teeming hordes of malcontents occupying Wall Street and other major cities do not speak for me. I would rather die in poverty than live on their state-sanctioned sustenance. […]
By Robert Romano — Recently ABC News highlighted the story of Leeton, Missouri , a town so small — a population less than 700 — and hard-hit by the lackluster economy that it lost its only grocery store. Residents were forced to travel to the next town just to get milk and eggs. Seeing a […]
By Adam Bitely — In 2008, Big Labor played a key role in electing Barack Obama to the presidency. The purple shirts of the SEIU became almost synonymous with his election. And the death grip that Big Labor has long held over the Democratic Party […]
Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn has been fighting for entitlement reform. He has pointed at a man who acts like a baby and receives Social Security Disability benefits as an example. We speak with a former private investigator who looked at Social Security fraud for private insurance companies about this issue. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.
By Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. — Maryland’s 7.2 percent unemployment rate is below the national average, but still too high. Budget shortfalls next year could reach $700 million or more, the Maryland Budget and Tax Policy Institute warns. Many of our cities and counties likewise […]
By Robert Romano — Those concerned about the ongoing debt crisis in Europe — and its potential spreading to the U.S. — should pay close attention to a meeting between French and German leaders this weekend. At issue are the terms of leveraging the €440 billion European […]
By Frank McCaffrey — The Greek Prime Minister looks to make cutbacks and it sparks protests. ALG’s Robert Romano says this doesn’t surprise him and says there are similarities with Occupy Wall Street and the Wisconsin protests. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.
By Rick Manning — Dec. 28, 1976, graveyard shift, 7-11 store on La Sierra Boulevard in Riverside, California. That’s when I had a rifle stuck in my face by four thugs who wanted the $40 in the register. They took me to the back of the store […]