By Robert Romano — In the context of the ongoing Wall Street protests, a new poll (Oct. 15-16) from Gallup has found Americans by a nearly two-to-one margin blame government more than financial institutions for the weak economy. Every single political group: Republicans (82 percent), Independents (65 percent), and even Democrats (49 percent) all […]
By Mark Wohschlegel — Obama is known to be very union friendly. But, how far does this go? Based on a White House Office of Management and Budget FOIA response to Americans for Limited Government, it appears unions were allowed not only to shape federal […]
By John Vinci — Americans for Limited Government recently sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Aging to find out how much money was wasted on an Obamacare program the Obama Administration already knew would not work. With a looming congressional hearing, the Obama Administration reported to […]
The Greek Prime Minister looks to make cutbacks and it sparks protests. ALG’s Robert Romano says this doesn’t surprise him and says there are similarities with Occupy Wall Street and Wisconsin protests. Reporter Frank McCaffrey has the story.
UPDATE: Some good info on Harry Reid’s absurd claim from the Senate Republicans : SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “It’s very clear that private sector jobs have been doing just fine, it’s the public sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all […]
By Rick Manning — The professional left is all a-Twitter with the thought that Harvard Law professor and former Obama Administration banking oversight official Elizabeth Warren is seeking the Democratic Party nomination to take on U.S. Senator Scott Brown in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Warren has even […]
By Bill Wilson — Germany would rather the periphery of the Eurozone collapse into cascading defaults before it ever again weakens its currency. That is at least the impression one gleans from a recent UK Telegraph piece by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard , who wrote, “Any such attempt to correct North-South imbalances from both ends requires an […]