
NLRB reform legislation aims at treating ‘disease,’ not just ‘symptoms’

Originally published in The Daily Caller By Matthew Boyle — Freshman Republican Rep. Austin Scott has introduced a bill he says would “politically neutralize” the National Labor Relations Board. Scott’s plan would remove adjudicatory power from the NLRB, but allow it to continue existing. That means the board would still oversee […]


Time to end the first-class mail monopoly

By Rebekah Rast — The United States Post Office lost $8.5 billion last year .  If that were any private business, well, it wouldn’t exist any longer. But not the post office. Despite a 20 percent decrease in mail volume from 2006 to 2010 , and package-delivery competition from UPS and FedEx, somehow the post office stays afloat.   But […]


A golden opportunity

By Robert Romano — Ever since the U.S. gold standard was weakened in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve system, then again during the Great Depression, when the domestic supply of gold was confiscated in 1933, and finally eliminated all together by Richard Nixon in […]


Must Reads for October 11

To receive the Must Reads in your inbox,  click here ! Good Tuesday morning, Here are the  Must Reads according to  Adam Bitely : America’s ‘Landed Bureaucracy’ Cartoon: Guide to Protestors 1960’s radicalism of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ will help elect a Republican in 2012 Irony: Down with evil corporations Occupy protestors have cost NYC police $1.9 million in overtime… The Solyndra economy ACORN re-emerges in Washington money game Where’s the evidence that Obama’s a policy genius? Harry Reid shames the Senate Amending the 10th amendment A Nobel for Thomas Sargent NBA cancels first 2 weeks of season


Guide to Protesters

Cartoon by William Warren


America’s ‘Landed Bureaucracy’

By Howard Rich — “This land is your land, this land is my land.” That’s what the classic Woody Guthrie song would have us believe, but the truth is not nearly so idyllic — or accurate. That’s because accompanying government’s ongoing explosion beyond the boundaries […]


ACORN re-emerges in Washington money game

By Kevin Mooney and Rick Manning — Tired of bipartisan Republicans who compromise the farm away on domestic policy? Frustrated with Republican presidents who allow far left Democrats to re-craft their legislation? If so, now would be an opportune moment to revisit conservative congressional Republican efforts to […]


Team Obama Spotlight: Labor Sec. Hilda Solis

By Frank McCaffrey — They were supposed to make money and create jobs. Yet green jobs have created financial ruin. We have decided to put green jobs guru Hilda Solis into the Team Obama Spotlight.


Labor Sec. Hilda Solis Steps Into The Team Obama Spotlight For Her Green Jobs Blunder

They were supposed to make money and create jobs. Yet green jobs have created financial ruin. We have decided to put green jobs guru Hilda Solis into the Team Obama Spotlight


Supporters of ‘Occupy Wall Street’

By Frank McCaffrey — Unions, Moveon.org and various members of the U.S. House of Representatives are supporting the young Wall Street protesters who call themselves “Occupy Wall Street.” There is one problem, this group doesn’t seem to have a purpose. ALG’s Don Todd spoke with Reporter Frank […]

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