11.15.2011 0

Support the Jobs through Growth Act

Americans for Limited Government (ALG), the parent organization of this website, endorsed the Jobs through Growth Act as “a good start toward tackling some of the root causes of our nation’s economic stagnation.”

This legislation was proposed by the House Republican Study Committee (RSC). The bill focuses on lower taxes, less rgeulation, and opening up the development of our nation’s natural resources.

Below is a letter that was sent from ALG President Bill Wilson to Congress endorsing the matter:

Dear Chairman Jordan:

Americans for Limited Government supports the Jobs through Growth Act as a good start toward tackling some of the root causes of our nation’s economic stagnation.

Incredibly some of your colleagues believe that the best way to create lasting, fulfilling private sector jobs in America is to increase taxes and double down on a regulatory regime that sacrifices the American worker on the altar of government excess.

The Republican Study Committee’s Jobs through Growth Act tackles our nation’s national debt problem responsibly by cutting away many of the obstacles to job creation in America.  The job strangling regulations and taxes imposed by our federal government create a self-fulfilling prophecy of government dependency, which must be ripped out by its roots if our nation is to thrive in the future.

Americans for Limited Government looks forward to working with you in support of your effort to begin the liberation of our nation’s free enterprise system from the tight grip of government.


William A. “Bill” Wilson


You can download a copy of the letter by clicking here.

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