Below are the names of the Congressmen that have publicly signed on to a letter distributed by the Republican Study Committee (RSC) that calls on the Super Committee to not resort to more taxes to solve the deficit problem created by Congress (if you don’t see your Representative’s name below, give them a call and tell them to sign):
Dear Representative Hensarling, Senator Murray, and Members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:
It is evident that America has a fiscal crisis because Washington spends too much, not because it taxes too little. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, tax revenues will reach or exceed the historical average of 18 percent of economic output by the end of this decade, even as spending continues to increase at an unsustainable rate. Increasing taxes on Americans would destroy jobs, erase all hope of an economic recovery, and simply serve to feed out-of-control spending in Washington.
Thus, as you begin the important task to reach a deficit reduction agreement, we ask that any policies the Joint Select Committee prescribes not increase Americans’ tax burden. With current levels of taxation already limiting economic growth, we believe that marginal rates must be maintained or lowered and that repeal of any tax credit or deduction be offset with an equal or greater tax cut.
Although there are diverse beliefs toward specific policies that should be included in any deficit reduction plan, we must recognize that increasing the tax burden on American businesses and citizens, especially during a fragile recovery, is irresponsible and dangerous to the health of the United States.
1. Todd Akin (MO-02)
2. Steve Austria (OH-07)
3. Michelle Bachmann (MN-06)
4. Roscoe Bartlett (MD-06)
5. Rob Bishop (UT-01)
6. Diane Black (TN-06)
7. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
8. Mo Brooks (AL-05)
9. Paul Broun (GA-10)
10. Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25)
11. Dan Burton (IN-05)
12. Francisco Canseco (TX-23)
13. Steve Chabot (OH-01)
14. Howard Coble (NC-60)
15. Scott DesJarlais (TN-04)
16. Jeff Duncan (SC-03)
17. John Duncan (TN-02)
18. Blake Farenthold (TX-27)
19. Stephen Fincher (TN-08)
20. Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03)
21. John Fleming (LA-04)
22. Bill Flores (TX-17)
23. Trent Franks (AZ-02)
24. Cory Gardner (CO-04)
25. Phil Gingrey (GA-11)
26. Louie Gohmert (TX-01)
27. Trey Gowdy (SC-04)
28. Sam Graves (MO-06)
29. Tom Graves (GA-09)
30. Tim Griffin (AR-02)
31. Frank Guinta (NH-01)
32. Andy Harris (MD-01)
33. Randy Hultgren (IL-14)
34. Tim Huelskamp (KS-01)
35. Bill Huizenga (MI-02)
36. Bill Johnson (OH-06)
37. Jim Jordan (OH-04)
38. Mike Kelly (PA-03)
39. Steve King (IA-05)
40. Jack Kingston (GA-01)
41. Raul Labrador (ID-01)
42. Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
43. Jeffrey Landry (LA-03)
44. Don Manzullo (IL-16)
45. Michael McCaul (TX-10)
46. Thaddeus McCotter (MI-11)
47. Patrick McHenry (NC-10)
48. Tom McClintock (CA-04)
49. Jeff Miller (FL-01)
50. Mick Mulvaney (SC-05)
51. Sue Myrick (NC-09)
52. Alan Nunnelee (MS-01)
53. Ron Paul (TX-14)
54. Steve Pearce (NM-02)
55. Mike Pence (IN-06)
56. Joseph Pitts (PA-16)
57. Bill Posey (FL-15)
58. Ben Quayle (AZ-03)
59. Phil Roe (TN-01)
60. Dennis Ross (FL-12)
61. Steve Scalise (LA-01)
62. Steve Southerland (FL-02)
63. Marlin Stutzman (IN-03)
64. John Sullivan (OK-01)
65. Scott Tipton (CO-03)
66. Tim Walberg (MI-07)
67. Joe Walsh (IL-08)
68. Allen West (FL-22)
69. Lynn Westmoreland (GA-03)
70. Joe Wilson (SC-02)
71. Todd Young (IN-09)
72. Scott Garrett (NJ-05)