By Rick Manning If Congress is seriously interested in finding people to cut perhaps they just need to look at those responsible for producing automobile company sales projections for the year 2025. That’s right, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation spent your tax dollars […]
By Paul Driessen In a repeat of Copenhagen, on the eve of the Durban climate change gabfest, someone released another horde of emails from alarmist climate researchers , including Dr. Michael Mann, whose infamous “hockey stick” was headlined in the 2001 IPCC report to justify the Kyoto agreement and […]
By Rebecca DiFede Gingrich, Bachmann, Romney and Santorum survived round one of Americans for Limited Government’s presidential brackets, and now you can vote for your favorite today! It’s down to Gingrich, Bachmann, Romney and Santorum. In the epic battle to win the title of GOP Presidential nominee, these four […]
Believe it or not, our government once avoided a recession by cutting spending. Not only that, but it helped bring about the economic prosperity of the 1920s. Check this out.
By Adam Bitely — Most recent polls indicate that Ron Paul is in the lead in Iowa. Other polls around the nation indicate a growing level of support. After years of being painted as a kooky Congressman from Texas, it seems that Ron Paul may […]
By Frank McCaffrey — We were told that green jobs would be our saving grace. In 2011, this green jobs company got into trouble. It is now on our top 11 list!
By Kelvin Kemm — British Viscount Christopher Monckton of Brenchley parachuted with me into Durban, South Africa, to challenge UN climate crisis claims, attracting numerous journalists and onlookers. A 20-foot banner across our press conference table gave the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow further opportunities […]
Cartoon by William Warren — This Christmas themed cartoon was pulled from our archives in the hopes that you will enjoy it again today. NRD Editor’s Note: As always, you may reprint this cartoon anywhere you please, but we ask that you provide a link […]
By Frank McCaffrey — This bi-partisan group of members of the House and Senate were supposed to reduce our deficit. Predictably that couldn’t come up with an idea and, predictably, they make our list of Big Government Busts!