By Rick Manning — The Chevy Volt has become the car that many people love to hate. Now, many more are asking if federal regulators treated the Volt differently than any other vehicle. A symbol of the government bailout and continued ownership of General Motors, the Volt […]
NRD Editor’s Note: This article was originally published at The Hill . By Bill Wilson — What began as an attempt to restrain foreign piracy on the Internet has morphed into a domestic “kill switch” on First Amendment freedom in the fastest-growing corner of the marketplace of ideas. Proposed […]
By Paul Driessen — In a repeat of Copenhagen, on the eve of the Durban climate change gabfest, someone released another horde of emails from alarmist climate researchers , including Dr. Michael Mann, whose infamous “hockey stick” was headlined in the 2001 IPCC report to justify the Kyoto agreement […]
This Team Obama appointee for Ambassador to El Salvador has ties to Cuba. It was a very close tie to Cuba. ALG’s Don Todd sees this as worthy of shining the Team Obama Spotlight onto.
By Rebecca DiFede — In a startling act of misguided idiocy, a group of Occupy D.C. protesters, as well as members of other occupy movements from across the country laid down in the middle of K street and linked arms, blocking the road in protest […]
By Robert Romano — Do you like interacting with your friends on social networking sites like Facebook, or looking at user-created videos on YouTube? Or simply surfing on Google to find the most up to date news and information? Well, the Internet could get a lot more […]
By Frank McCaffrey — Here is a look at jobs that could have been but were blocked. Here’s the tale of the Keystone XL pipeline. See how this made our Top 11 Big Government Busts of 2011.
Hollywood lefty kooks have power in America. So does the internet. Members of congress also have power and some are trying to censor the internet. You too have power. ALG is asking you to let your voice be heard!